I write poems, short stories, personal essays and, occasionally, longer fiction. I am very grateful to all the wonderful writers and teachers who have fueled my love of words since childhood. My pronouns are she/they.
My creative works have been shared by a number of journals, publishers and outlets, including The Poetry Virginia Review, Rough Cut Press, Ecological Citizen, Rattapallax, the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, Bowery Poetry, Rogue Agent Journal through Sundress Publications, Querencia Press, OnBeing from APR and Stanchion Zine. I've won several writing awards, including from the Virginia Poetry Society, Fish Publishing and Glimmer Train, as well as a fellowship from the Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing and a Best Microfiction nomination.
Feel free to explore my full award and publishing history.
Here are some poetry samples.

Along with creative works, I produce news and analysis for multiple sites. I've written for NPR, Discover Magazine, Art News, Earth Island Journal, and others. Visit my non-fiction portfolio to learn more. I'm also a visual artist and art teacher.